NadirBeloved; Uncommon; Pinnacle;
NajeeSafe; Intimate Companion
NakeshaThe Lord of Heaven;
NakiaOne who is Faithful; Chaste
NancyGod's Flavour; Filled with Grace
NapierIn Charge of Royal Linens
NapoleonItaly; Son of Mist; Lion;
NashDweller by the Ash Tree;
NasirDefender; Supporter; Success;
NathanProtector; Master; Lord; Chief;
NathanaelGift of God; God has Given
NathanialGift of God; God has Given;
NathanielGift of God; Given by God;
NathenGod has Given; Gift of God
NeelBlue; Lord Shiva; Sky; Cloud
NeilComing from Clouds; Champion;
NeillChampion; Form of Neil
NelsChief; Son of Neil; Champion;
NeoGift; New; New Life / Moon
NeonStrong; New; One who is Strong
NeroStrong; Vigorous; Powerful;
NestorWisdom; Voyager; Traveller Wisdom;
NevilleFrom the New Village; New Town
NevinNephew; Little Bone;
NewlandLives on the New Land
NewtonFrom the New Estate / Farm;
NiallComing from Clouds; Champion;
NiazDesire; Urge to Express Love;
NicholasPeople's Triumph;
NicholausVictory of the People;
NickVictory of the People;
NicklausVictory of the People;
NickolasVictory of the People;
NicksonVictory of the People;
NicoVictory of the People;
NicolVictorious; People's Victory;
NicolasConqueror of the People;
NicoleVictory of the People
NigelDark Cloud; Champion; Dark Night;
NihalGratified; Delighted; Happy;
NikhilWhole; Complete; Entire;
NikiforosThe One who Brings Victory
NikkiVictory of the People;
NikkoVictory of the People;
NikoVictory of the People;
NikolaiVictory of the People;
NikolasVictorious; Variant of Nicholas;
NikolausVictory of the People;
NikosVictory of the People;
NilesComing from Clouds; Champion;
NitinMaster of the Right Path; New;
NixonAbbreviation of Nicholas;
NoaMovement; Peace; Restful
NoahRest; Comfort; Wanderer; Peaceful;
NoamGood-looking; Sweet Friend;
NoeRest; Comfort; Peaceful from Noah;
NoelChristmas; Born on Christmas Day
NolanNoble; Descendant of Nuallan;
NorcrossFrom the North Cross Roads
NormanSurname; Northerner;
NormandSurname; North Protection;
NorrisNortherner; Nurse; Caretaker;
NortinFrom the North Farm
NortonFrom the Northern Town;
NorvalFrom the Northern Town
NorvinFriend from the North
NorvynFriend from the North
NorwelFrom the North Spring
NorwellFrom the North Spring
NorwinFriend of the North
NorwoodFrom the North Forest;
NorwynFriend from the North
NukaMy Younger Brother / Sister
NyeIsland Dweller; Island; Honour;
NykkoVictory of the People;
NyleChampion; Desire; Island; Cloud;
NylesChampion; Form of Neil