Names are not just for birth days, they are for entire life. Choose your child’s name carefully. There are over 8552 English Baby Boy Names to choose from. We have made a list of popular, unique or unusual baby names. Many say name of a child may play an important role in character making of a child. The following are some modern and traditional English Boy names, find one for your child.
There are currently 178 names in this directory beginning with the letter I.
IanGod is Merciful / Gracious;
IbrahimMy Father is Exalted;
IdalFrom the Yew Tree Valley
IddigLegendary Son of Anarawd
IdrisStudious Person; One who Instruct;
IdwalThe Lord of the Wall or Rampart
IeuanGod is Gracious; Form of John
IforLord; A Variant of the Name Ifor
IgnatiusFiery One; Ardent; Burning;
IhsanBeneficence; Charity; Compassion;
IkeOne who Brings Laughter;
ImbertOf Great Fame; Poet
InaLord Surya (Sun); Illuminate;
IndianaCountry of Native Indians
IngramIng's Raven; Raven of Anglia;
InigoArdent; Burning; Unknowing
IorwerthWorthy Lord; Handsome Lord;
IosephGod will Multiply; He will Enlarge
IraWatchful; Wind; Descendants;
IramThe Effusion of them; A High Heap
IrfanWisdom; Gratefulness;
IrmaOf the Nature of Wind;
IrvinWhite; Place Name; Beautiful;
IrvineVariant of Irving; Green Water;
IrwinFrom Irvine; Scotland; Sea Lover;
IrwynSea Lover / Friend; Boar Friend
IsaacOne who Brings Laughter;
IsacLaughter; He will Laugh
IsaiahThe Lord Helps Me; God's Helper;
IsenhamFrom the Iron One's Estate
IshamFrom the Iron One's Estate
IsmaelA Prophet's Name; Prophet;
IthamarIsland of the Palm-tree;
IvanGod is Merciful; Gift of God;
IvarArcher's Bow; Bow Warriors;
IvenLittle Archer; Yew Wood;
IverFighter with Bow; Archer; Yew;
IvesArcher's Bow; Young Archer;
IvoArcher's Bow; Yew; Form of Yves;
IvonArcher's Bow; Yew Wood;
IvorArcher's Bow; Yew; Bow Army;
IwdaelFrom the Yew Tree Valley