Have you chosen your baby’s name. Have you given it enough thought. Name play an important role in a child’s life. The name you choose for your child, she has to carry for her entire life. So check all the options you can. This long list of baby girl names with wide variety may help you in that. Here’s the list of over 5200 American Baby Girl Names with their meanings.
There are currently 59 names in this directory beginning with the letter I.
IanthaViolet Coloured Flower;
IdaProsperous; Happy; Work; Labour;
IdaliaProsperous; Happy; Hardworking;
IdellaProsperous; Happy; Hard-working;
IeashaWoman; Life; Alive;
IeishaAlive; She who Lives
IeshiaAlive and Well; Alive;
IjaKind-hearted; Kind; Mother; Brave
IkaGentle; Feminine of Ike
IlaWoman from Earth; Light; Earth;
IlashaGentle; Sensitive; Kind; Loving
IlianaBright / Shine / Shining; Trojan;
IlyanaSun Ray; Softness; Leniency;
ImaLove; Charity; Whole; Universal;
ImogeneMaiden; Image; Likeness; Innocent;
InaStrong; Illuminate; Light Up;
IndianaThe Country India;
IneishaThe Sparkling Lady;
IneyshaContinuous; The Sparkling Lady
IngridFair; Meadow; Ing is Beautiful;
IraEarth; Goddess Saraswati;
IreshiQueen (Wife of King)
IsaPromise of God; God's Promise;
IsabelConsecrated to God;
IsabelaConsecrated to God;
IsabellGod is Perfection; God's Promise;
IsabellaConsecrated to God;
IsabelleConsecrated to God;
IsiDeer (choctaw); Deer-like
ItzelRainbow Lady; Moon Goddess
IvannaFemale Version of John;
IvelinaDesire; Life Giver; Hazelnut
IvetteYew; Yew Wood; Young Archer
IvonneArcher; Yew; Yew Wood;
IvoryPure; Creamy-white Colour;
IvyanneClimber; Climbing Vine;
IyanaGod is Gracious; Mirror; Princess;
IyannaGod is Gracious; Life; Woman
IyshaLiving; Prosperous; Lively; Woman;
IzabelleGod is My Oath; God's Promise;
IzziePledged to God; God is My Oath;