AadiBeginning; 1st; First
AbelinaMy Father Rejoices; Tender; Light;
AbelineIt Resembles Grass
AbigailDelight / Joy to the Father;
AbinaBorn on a Thursday; Cute
AblahPerfectly Formed; Perfectly
AbrielleFemale Version of Abraham; Secure;
AdaGraceful and Noble; Pure; Noble;
AdaliciaOf the Nobility; Noble
AdalieOf the Nobility; God is My Refuge;
AdalizOf the Nobility; Noble
AdalynNoble; Of the Nobility;
AdayaOne who is Always First and Best
AddieNoble Kind; Kind Spirit;
AdelaNobility; Noble Kind; Softer;
AdeleGraceful; Nobility; Noble Kind;
AdeliaOf the Nobility; Noble Kind; Kind
AdelinaGraceful; Noble Kind; Adornment;
AdelineNoble; Nobility; Kind; Brightness;
AdelisaOf the Nobility; Noble
AdelleNoble; Form of Adelaide;
AdelmaProtector of the Needy
AdelynnNoble; Variant of Adela
AdilaEqual; Just; Upright;
AdileneNoble; Variant of Adela
AdineNoble; Tender; Delicate;
AdnaPleasure; Delight; In the Bible;
AdoniaBeautiful; Feminine of Adonis;
AdoraAdored; Adoration; Beloved One
AdriaDark; The Adriatic Sea Region;
AdrianaDark and Rich; Woman from Hadria
AdrianeFrom Hadria; Dark; Rich
AfiaBorn on Friday; From Ewe;
AfifaHonest; Upright; Virtuous; Pure;
AgateA Semiprecious Stone;
AgatheHonourable; Kind; Good
AgdaGood-hearted; Honourable; Kind
AiataWoman who Eat the Clouds
AidaVisiting; Noble; Nobility; Reward;
AimeeBeloved; Amazing; Talented
AimyBeloved; Variant of Amy
AinPrecious; Eye; God was Gracious;
AinhoaReference to Virgin Mary
AiniSpring; Flower; Source; The Eye
AkilahClever; Bright; Intelligent;
AkoForever Young; Dark Side
AksaSoul; Eye; Indestructible;
AlainaValuable; Precious; Dear Child;
AlaineRock; Comely; Dear Child;
AlairCheerful; Glad; Variant of Hilary
AlannaFair; Beautiful; Dear Child;
AlannahValuable; Precious; Dear Child;
AlaynaBeautiful; Princess
AlayneBright; Shining; Rock or Comely;
AlberteWise and Graceful; Intelligent;
AldoraNoble; Of Noble Rank; Winged Gift
AleciaGraceful; Noble Kind; Nobility;
AleneFair; Good Looking; Rock / Comely;
AleronEpaulette Worn by a Knight
AlexDefender of Mankind; Noble;
AlexaHelper / Defender of Mankind;
AlexiDefender of Mankind; Helper;
AlexieDefender of Man; Noble Kind
AlexinaDefender of Mankind; Helper;
AlexineDefender of Mankind; Helper;
AlexisHelper; Defender of Mankind;
AleynaBright; Shining; Rock or Comely
AleynahBright; Shining; Rock or Comely
AleyneBright; Shining; Rock or Comely
AlfinaElf; Magical Counsel
AlfridaWise Counsellor; Elf;
AliaExalted; Highest Social Standing;
AliceNoble; Graceful; Nobility;
AliciaGraceful; Truthful; Nobel;
AlicjaGraceful; Truthful;
AlikaNoble; Kind; Truthful
AlinTo Soothe; Bearer of the Light;
AlindaNoble Shield; Balcony
AlineNoble; Nobility; Light; Lovely;
AliseOf the Nobility; Truthful; Nobel
AlisiaNoble Kind; Exalted; Noble Sort;
AliskaOf a Noble Kind; Protected by God
AlisonGraceful; Alice; Truthful;
AlitaSmall Winged One; Truthful; Nobel
AlixDefender of Mankind; Noble;
AlizNoble; Graceful; Kind; Happy;
AlizahGod's Word; God's Promise; Joy;
AliziaPious; Faithful; Delightful
AllaineShining; Bright; Variant of Helen;
AllaireCheerful; Glad; Similar to Hilary
AllanaDear Child; Little Rock; Beautiful
AlleenBright; Shining; Little Rock;
AllenaBright; Shining; Rock; Comely;
AlleneLittle Rock; Bright; Shining;
AlleyneBright; Shining; Rock or Comely
AllinaBright; Shining; Rock or Comely
AllinahBright; Shining; Rock or Comely
AllisonExalted Nature; Son of Alice;
AllixDefender of Mankind;
AllyNoble; Graceful; Shining;
AllynNoble; Of the Nobility; Bright;
AllynaBright; Shining; Rock; Comely
AllysonNoble Kind; Form of Alice;
AlmedaAchieving; Fields of Cottonwood;
AlmiraWoman of Nobility; Princess;
AloysiaRenowned in Battle;
AlvaraArmy of Elves; Light Skinned
AlvidaElf; Magical Counsel
AlviniaFemale Version of Elvin;
AlviraDearly Loved; Foreign; True
AlyaFrom Heaven; Sky; Loftiness;
AlyciaNobility; Similar to Alice;
AlysonTruthful; Noble; Nobility; Honest;
AlyssaNoble; Graceful; Sweet Angel;
AlyssiaTruthful; Noble Sort;
AlzubraA Star in the Constellation Leo
AmabelAdorable; Lovable; Amiable
AmaiaEnding; End; Resolution
AmalTo have Hope; Bright; Clean; Pure;
AmalieIndustrious; Striving; Work;
AmaniRoad; One who Shows the Path;
AmataBeloved; Dearly Loved; Lovable;
AmberGemstone; Sky; From the Stone;
AmberlySmart; Playful; Nice; Strong;
AmbraGemstone; Jewel; Amber
AmburName of a Semiprecious Stone
AmelieHard Working; Industrious;
AmiMy People; Dearly Loved; Beauty;
AminehFaithful; Trustworthy; Secure;
AmiraPrincess; High-born; Speech;
AmityFellowship; Friendship; Friend
AmyBeloved; Dearly Loved;
AnaForm of Anna; Gracious;
AnaelleGrace; God is Gracious
AndreaManly; A Man's Woman;
AndreasCourageous; Strong; A Man's Woman
AneGracious; Merciful; Cute; Prayer
AngeAngel; A Messenger from God
AngelaHeavenly Messenger; Angel;
AngeliaAngelic; Divine Messenger;
AnielaMessenger of God; Angel
AnitaGracious; Merciful; Grace; Leader
AnjaMerciful; Full of Grace;
AnkeMerciful; God has Shown Favour;
AnnGracious; Form of Anna;
AnnabelAdorable; From Anna and Bella;
AnneGrace; Favour; God is Gracious;
AnoukGracious; Merciful; Grace; Favour;
AntonieBeyond Price; Invaluable;
AntonioHighly Praiseworthy
AnuAtom; Silence; Favour; Grace;
AraOrnament; Brings Rain;
ArabiaEvening; Desert; Ravens
AraceliAltar in the Sky; Gate of Heaven
AraxieIver that Inspires Poetic Talent;
ArdiniaArdent; Eager; Industrious
ArdithCombination of Ara and Judith;
ArianeHoly One; Like Silver;
ArianneThe Holy One; Black Beauty;
ArielQueen of the Ocean; Lion of God;
ArielleLion of God; Angel;
ArletaAn Oath; A Mediaeval Given Name
ArlettaPledge; A Mediaeval Given Name
ArletteA Mediaeval Given Name; Oath;
ArlieOath; From the Hare's Meadow
ArmandaArmy Man; Feminine of Armando;
ArmildaArmoured Battle Maiden
ArseniaFemale Version of Arsenio
ArwaPleasant; Bright Fullness; Fresh;
AshleyMeadow of Ash Trees;
AslinBeautiful; Daughter of God
AsmaSky; Excellent; Precious; Higher;
AsmathFriendly; Pure; Clean
AtaraA Crown; Diadem; Blessed
AthaliaGod is Sublime; God is Exalted;
AthenaGoddess of Wisdom; Goddess; Skill;
AtiyaGift from Allah; Present; Gift
AubreeBlond Ruler; Rules with Elf-wisdom
AubreyRuler of Elves; Blond Ruler;
AubrieBlond Ruler; Rules with Elf-wisdom
AubryBlond Ruler; Rules with Elf-wisdom
AudaProsperous; Brightness; Old;
AudeliaNobility; Strength
AudraNoble Strength; Form of Audrey;
AudreeNoble Strength; Nobility
AudriNoble Strength; Nobility
AureBreeze; Gold; Soft Air
AurelaGolden Dawn; Wind; Breeze
AureliaGolden; Wind; Dawn; Breeze
AurelieSoft Breeze; Variant Aurelia;
AuroreDawn; Roman Goddess of Sunrise;
AustinaMajestic; Variant of Augustine;
AustineMajestic; Variant of Augustine;
AvelinDesire; Life Giver; Breath of Life
AveriElf Counsel; Inspired; Old Peace
AveryRuler of Elves; Happiness;
AvianBird like; Like Birds in the Sky
AvilaBird; Strength; Desired; Sun Rays;
AvivaSeason of Spring; Like Spring;
AvrilTo Open; April Month;
AxellePeace; Source of All Life
AyalaGazelle; Goat; Doe; Deer
AyeletGazelle of Dawn; The Morning Star
AzmiaGold; Brave; Strong; Courageous
AzuraClear Blue Sky; Sky Blue
AzureSky-blue; Blue Semiprecious Stone;
AzzahYoung Female Gazelle; Young;