DaamodarA Name of Krishna
DakshinayanSome Movement of the Sun
DandapaaniAn Epithet for Yama
DasharathThe Father of Lord Rama
DayanandTrusted by Many; One who Likes Being Merciful
DayanidhiTreasure House of Mercy
DayasagarExtremely Kind; Sea of Mercy
DayashankarMerciful Lord Shiva
DeenabandhuFriend of the Poor
DeenadayaalHumble and Merciful
DeenanathLord of the Poor
DeenbabdhuBrother of Poor People
DeendayalFriend of Poor; Humble and Merciful
DeepankarOne who Lights Lamps; Lord of Light
DehabhujAnother Name for Lord Shiva
DevabrataA Name of Bhisma
DevadathFamous Person in Ancient Hindu Mythology
DevadevaLord of All Lords
DevajutaThe One with the Good
DevajyotiBrightness of the Lord
DevapriyanOne who Loved by God
DevarshiAnother Name for Narad; Teacher of Gods; Sage of the Devas
DevashishGiven by Lord; Blessings of God
DevdarshWorshipper of God
DeveedaasServant of the God
DevendraKing of Gods; Lord Indra
DevendranathKing of Gods; Lord of Gods
DeviprasadBlessing of the Goddess
DevkinandanSon of Devki; Lord Krishna
DevvrataName of an Ancient King in Indian Epic Called Mahabhatat; Son of Shantanu and Ganga
DhananadPleasure of Having Wealth
DhananjayOne who Wins Wealth; Lord Arjun; Name of Arjun; Lord Vishnu
DhanarajOne who Wins Wealth
DhansukhRich; Wealthy; Happy
DhanvantariDoctor of Gods
DhanvineA Name for Lord Rama
DharamnishthOne who has Faith in Religion
DharmadaasServant of Religion
DharmakeertiFame of Religion
DharmaketuOne who Upholds the Right Way; Son of Urmila and Lakshman in Hindu Epic Ramayan
DharmanandOne who Takes Pleasure in his Religion
DharmaraajKing of Religion
DharmaveerProtector of Religion
DharmendraGod of Religion
DharmenduLight of Religion
DharmeshMaster of Religion; Lord of Religion
DharmMitraFriend of Religion
DharmodharHindu God Name; Lord Ganapathi
DharmpaalProtector of Religion
DheekshidhLight for Future
DheemantWise; Intelligent
DhirendraLord of the Brave
DhyaneshwarLord of Meditation
DigambarSky Clad; Another Name for Siva; Unencumbered; Sky-clad; Naked; Lord Shiva
DigvijayBiggest Victory; Triumph; Conqueror; Name of Arjun; Victorious; One who is Victorious over Everyone
DinanathProtector; Lord Shiva
DinendraThe Sun; Lord of the Day; Lord Surya (Sun)
DiptanshuSun; A Part of Light; Lord Surya (Sun)
DivyanshuA Fillings of Heaven; Sun; Divine Light; Parts of Dev
DurgadasServant; A Devotee of Godess Durga
DurgaduttGift from Godess Durga
DurmadaFalse Pride; Illusion
DurvishWho cannot be Affected by Poison
DushyantDestroyer of Evil; Raja Dushyant Father of Prince Bharat
DvimidhaOne who Knows the Present as Well as Future
DwaipayanThe Sage Vyasa; One who Takes Birth in an Island
DwarakaGateway; Capital of Lord Krishna's Kingdom
DwarakanathLord of Dwaraka; Krishna
DwarkadhishRuler of Dwarka; Lord Krishna
DwarkaNathLord of the Gateway; Lord of Dwaraka
DwijarajKing of Brahmins; The Moon
DwijendraKing of Brahmins; The Moon
DwijeshRiver; Lord Brahma