AadarshTraditional; Ideal;
AadeshCommand; Message; Order
AadhishankarSri Shankaracharya;
AadiStarting; First; Sun God;
AadilJustice; Upright; Sincere; Truth
AafreenEncouragement; Sun
AagneySon of the Fire God;
AagneyaSon of Agni; Son of the Fire
AahwaanithOne who has been Invited; Wanted
AakshyanshuAnother Name of Sun
AalokName of Lord Shiva; Light;
AaravPeaceful; Good Personality;
AbhinandaTo Rejoice; To Celebrate;
AbhinandanCongratulations; Greetings;
AbhinandanaFelicitous; Greetings; Welcoming
AbhinathaLord of Desires;
AbhinavAlways New; Rock Star; Innovative;
AbhirupPleasant Look; Pleasing; Handsome;
AbhishekRitual; Blessing;
AbhisokaPassionate; Loving
AbhisumatRadiant; Another Name of Sun
AbhisyantaSplendid; A Son of Kuru and Vahini
AbhiviraSurrounded by Heroes; A Commander
AbhrakasinWith Clouds for Shelter;
AbhyagniTowards the Fire; A Son of Aitasa
AbhyudayaRising; Sunrise; Elevation;
AbhyuditaElevated; Prospered; Raised;
AbinashIndestructible; Unbreakable;
AbjayoniBorn of the Lotus;
AcaryatanayaSon of the Teacher;
AchalImmovable; Constant; Guarantee
AchalapatiLord of the Immovable;
AchalendraLord of the Immovable;
AchalesvaraGod of the Immovable;
AchandaNot of the Hot Temper;
AcharyanandanaSon of the Teacher;
AcharyasutaSon of the Teacher;
AchindraFlawless; Uninterrupted; Perfect
AchintyaRelease of Tensions;
AchyutImperishable; A Name of Vishnu;
AchyutaIndestructible; Imperishable;
AchyutarayaWorshipper of the Infallible;
AdalarasuKing of Kings; King of Dance
AdarshRules; Perfection; Excellence;
AdhikMore than One; Greater
AdhikaraPrincipal; Controller
AdhikarajGreater; More; Lots
AdilSincere; Just; Fair; Judicious;
AditFrom the Beginning; First Born;
AditeyaAnother Name for the Sun
AdithyaAnother Name of Sun; God;
AdityaThe Sun; As Bright as Sun;
AdityanandanSon of the Sun
AdityanandanaSon of the Sun
AdityaVardhanOne who Embellishes the Sun;
AdityavardhanaIncreases Glory;
AdripathiMaster of the Mountains
AdwayaOne; United; Unique
AfrozKing; Brighten Something
AghaPre-eminent; Master; Owner;
AgneyaSon of Agni; Son of the Fire
AgrimAdvance; First; Leader;
AgrimaAdvance; Leader; First
AhsanAn Act of Kindness; Mercy;
AimanBlessed; Door of the Paradise;
AjamilA Mythological King
AjataShatruWithout Enemies;
AjayVictorious; Unconquerable;
AjeetVictorious; Invincible;
AjitUnconquerable; Invincible;
AjitabhOne who has Conquered the Sky;
AkaramMost Generous; Excellent;
AkaryatanayaKnowledgeable Person
AkashSky; Lord of Day; Uncountable;
AkbarPowerful; Greatest; Bigger;
AkhilEntire; Complete; Tree; Naughty;
AkhileshGrateful; Lord of the Universe;
AkmalPerfect; Whole; Complete
AkramExcellent; More Generous-noble;
AkroorKind; Gentle; A Yadava Chief;
AksharImperishable; Lord Vishnu / Shiva;
AkshathIndestructible; Unbroken; Whole
AkshayIndestructible; Unlimited;
AlagarasuKing of Beauty; Handsome
AlokUncomparable; Name of Lord Shiva;
AmaanatTreasure; Security; Deposit
AmalHope; Expectation; Bird;
AmalenduSun; The Unblemished Moon
AmanThe One who is Peaceful;
AmarForever; Long Life; Luck;
AmarendraKing of Devas; Lord of Gods
AmareshName of Indra; King of Andhra
AmartyaOne who can Not Die; Immortal;
AmbarishThe Sky; The King of the Sky;
AmeenDivine Grace; Honest; Faithful;
AmeyaBoundless; Magnanimous;
AmilInvaluable; Worker; One who Hopes;
AminDivine Grace; Trustworthy; Honest;
AmirRich; Leader; From Kikuyu;
AmitUnlimited; Boundless;
AmitaabhBoundless Lustre / Splendour;
AmitabOne with Boundless Splendour
AmitabhOne with Boundless Splendour;
AmiteshBrave; Winner; Smart; Strong;
AmitiyotiLimitless Brightness
AmitrasudanDestroyer of Enemies
AmlanUnfading; Ever-bright
AmlankusumUnfading Flower
AnamBlessing; Grace; Reward;
AnshPart of Body; Portion;
AnuAn Atom; Angel; Messenger of God;
AnupUnique; Talent; Glory;
AnupomUnique; Without Comparison;
AnuragAttachment; Devotion; Love;
ApurbaUnique; Not Happened Before
ArjunConfidence - Power; A Warrior;
ArmanLonging; Wish; Hope; Desire;
ArnavSea; Great Ocean; Silence of Ocean
ArushFirst Ray of Sun; Winner; Strong;
AryanKing; Noble; Old Civilisation;
AseemLonger; Boundless; Limitless Asim;
AshisBlessings; Benediction
AshisaOne who has been Blessed
AshishA Blessing; Benediction
AshokKing; One without Sorrow;
AtulLion; Matchless; Uncomparable;
AvinashIndestructible; Legend; Immortal;
AyushLife Span; Long Lived; Long Life;