Names are not just for birth days, they are for entire life. Choose your child’s name carefully. There are 3231 Punjabi/Sikh Baby Boy Names to choose from. Many says name of a child may play an important role in character making of a child. The following are some modern and traditional punjabi baby boy names.
There are currently 137 names in this directory beginning with the letter K.
KadambiniAn Array of Clouds; Garland of Clouds
KalvinderjitWarrior of Bravery
KalwindarLord of Perfection
KamakshiA Devi; Same as Lalita
KamaljeetAchiever of Perfection
KamaljitAchiever of Perfection
KamalmohanAttractive as Lotus
KamalpalProtector of Lotus
KamalroopEmbodiment of Lotus
KanchanaGold; That which Shines
KanchanjeetGolden Victory
KanchanpalPreserver of Gold
KandrayaWisdom; Angel; Trust; And Loved
KanwalaalBeautiful Prince
KanwalpalProtector of Lotus
KanwalroopEmbodiment of Lotus
KanwamohanBeautiful Prince
KanwargunMeritorious Prince
KanwarjagatPrince of the World
KanwarjeetVictory of Prince
KanwarpalProtector of Prince
KarambirBrave with God's Grace
KaramdeepLamp of God's Grace
KaramjeetVictory of Deeds
KaramjotLight of God's Grace
KaramleenAbsorbed in God's Grace
KarampalThe Keeper of God's Grace
KarampaulProtector of God's Grace
KarampreetThe Lover of God's Grace
KarampremLover of God's Grace
KaramroopEmbodiment of God's Grace
KaramveerEnthusiastic Hero
KaramwantFull of God's Grace
KaranailColonel of the Army
KaranpalProtector of Karan
KaranroopEmbodiment of Karan
KaranveerWith Brave Hand; Brave as Lord Karna
KarnapriyaSomething that is Sweet to Our Ears
KarthikaA Star; Hindu Month; Son of Lord Shiva; Leader of Deva Army
KashmiraFrom Kashmir; Grape
KaviraajPoet of the Kingdom
KewalbirIndependent Brave
KewaldeepIndependent Lamp
KewaljeetIndependent Victory
KewalpreetOnly Love for God
KhempaalOne who Delights in Peace and Joy
KhemroopEmbodiment of Happiness and Peace
KhemwantFull of Peace and Happiness
KhushbaagDelightful Blossoming Garden
KhushbirDelightful and Brave
KhushjeetHappy and Victorious
KhushmohanAttractive and Happy
KhushnaseebOf Good Fotune; Good Destiny
KhushpaalBorn with Good Fortune; Happy
KhushpreetLoving and Delightful
KhushpremLoving and Delightful
KhushwantOne Full of Happiness
KhushwinderLord of Happiness
KirandeepLamp's Rays; Rays of Sun
KiranjitVictory over Rays
KiranroopEmbodiment of Rays
KishanpalProtector of Lord Krishna
KishanprakashLord's Light
KishanpreetLove for Lord Krishna
KishanpremLove for Lord Krishna
KomaljeetVictory for Softness
KomaljotSoft and Peaceful Light
KomalmeetFriednly Softness
KomalpreetLovely and Soft
KomalroopEmbodiment of Peace and Beauty
KomalwantFull of Softness
KulminderKing of the Family
KusumodiniQueen of Flowers