Names are not just for birth days, they are for entire life. Choose your child’s name carefully. There are 1335 Punjabi/Sikh Baby Girl names to choose from. Many says name of a child may play an important role in character making of a child. The following are some modern and traditional punjabi/sikh girl names.
There are currently 65 names in this directory beginning with the letter B.
BableenImbued in Lord's Name
BakhsheeshThe Blessed One
BalpreetStrong; Mighty Love
BalveerStrong; Mighty and Brave
BaninderWord of the God of Heaven
BarminderGods Given Beauty
BasantiOf Spring; Spring Season; Yellow Coloured
BebeLady of the House; Lady; Bringer of Joy
BeenaA Musical Instrument; Seeing; Clear Sighted
BhaghwinderDevotion to the God of Heaven
BharmehakFilled with Fragrance
BhavanaEmotions; Meditation; Thinking; Feelings; Sentiments; Awsum; A Happiness; Emotion
BhavikaLot of Emotional; Well-meaning; Righteous; Honest; Cheerful Expression; Emotions; Centimentals
BhavjeetOne who Swims Across the Dreadful World Ocean
BhavjinderTemple Shrine of the God of Heaven
BhavjotLight of Emotion; Light of Earth
BhavneetMoral of the World
BhavnoorFilled with Fragrance
BhavtaranTo Cross World with Spirituality
BhupinderThe King of Kings
BibiLady; Woman; Full of Life; Lady of the House; Alive; Foregin Woman
BibinanakiLady of Maternal Family
BijulFlashes of Lightning
BismunWonders of Lord (Guru)
BiswajitWho Won Whole World
BrahmleenAbsorbed in God's Love
BrahmneetAbsorbed in Gods Love
BulbulSinging Bird; Nightingale; A Songbird