KabirThe Great; Powerful; Leader;
KadeFrom the Wetlands; Circular
KadeemServant; Slave to God
KadenscottFighter of Sottish Origin
KadimAncient; Old; Eminent Person
KadinCompanion; Friend; Confidant
KaedeeRhyming Variant of Katy or Cady
KaiFrom the Sea; Ocean; Earth;
KaidanRebel / Fighter / Spirit of Battle
KailenePure; Variant of Kay and Kayla;
KaiserTo Cut; Hairy; Hirsute;
KaizerKing; Long Haired; Form of Caesar
KaleAffectionate; Calm; Fair; Ocean;
KalenMighty Warrior; Friend;
KallenSlim; Mighty Warrior
KallitaModern Variant of Callie
KamarajKing of Love Making
KameronForm of Cameron Crooked Nose
KaneTribute; Warrior's Son; Bright;
KaraTax; Hand; The Cause of
KareTremendous; Enormous; Curvy
KarinDoing; Accomplishing; Praising
KarinePure One; Form of Karen
KarrSwamp; From the Swampy Place
KarsenSon who Lives in the Swamp
KarsonSon of the Marsh Dwellers;
KarstenChristian; Follower of Christ
KasiaPure; Alert; Vigorous;
KatelinnPure; Form of Caitlin
KavinHandsome; Beautiful;
KayFire; Pure; Rejoicing; Love; Happy
KaydenRound; Gentle; Cask; Companion;
KaylahKeeper of the Keys;
KaylanKeeper of the Keys;
KaylenePure; Variant of Kay - Kayla;
KaylynCombination of Name Kay and Lynn
KeanAncient One; Sharp; Fighter; Eye;
KeandreVirile; Manly; Ancient
KeaneAncient One; Sharp; Warrior's Son;
KeddrickGift of Splendour; Form of Cedric
KedricGift of Splendour; Form of Cedric
KedrickGift of Splendour; Form of Cedric
KeenSharp; Small and Ancient
KeenanAncient One; Ancient;
KeeneSharp; Wise; Learned; Ancient
KeiranSmall Dark One; Dusky;
KeithOf the Forest; Wood;
KelbiStrong; Compassionate
KelbyFrom the Farm Near the Spring
KeldonFrom the Town of the Keels;
KellFrom the Spring; Bright Headed
KellyWarrior; Lively; Aggressive;
KelseyCenel Island; Brave;
KelsieIsland; Victory Ship
KeltenFrom the Town of the Keels
KeltonnFrom the Town of the Keels
KelvanFrom the Narrow River; River Man;
KelvenFrom the Narrow River; River Man;
KelvinFrom the Narrow River; River Man;
KempAthlete; Sports Person; Warrior;
KenHandsome; Form of Kenneth;
KenanAncient One; Buyer; Owner;
KendalValley of the River Kent;
KendaleValley of the River Kent;
KendallValley of the River Kent;
KendelValley of the River Kent;
KendellValley of the River Kent;
KendrellA Form of Kendall;
KendrickRoyal Ruler; Fearless Leader;
KendriekRoyal Ruler; Son of Harry
KendrikRoyal Ruler; Son of Harry;
KendrykRoyal Ruler; Son of Harry
KenelmDefends the Family; Brave Helmet;
KenilName of Lord Ganesha / Shiva
KenjiSecond in Strength; Second Son
KenleaFrom the King's Meadow
KenleeFrom the King's Meadow
KenleighFrom the King's Meadow
KenlieFrom the King's Meadow
KenlyFrom the King's Meadow
KennHandsome; Bright Water;
KennanLittle Ken; Form of Keene; Wise;
KennardBold; Brave; Strong;
KennedyProtected with Helmet; Chief;
KennethHandsome; Royal Oath;
KenneyAbbreviation of Kenneth; Surname;
KennithHandsome; Sprung from Fire;
KennyHandsome; The Valley of the Kent;
KenricFearless Leader; Royal Ruler
KenrichChief Hero; Royal Ruler
KenrickRoyal Ruler; Chief Hero;
KenrikRoyal Ruler; Royal Chieftain;
KentBright; White; Edge; Border;
KentonFrom the King's Estate;
KentrellRoyal Estate; Royal Chieftain
KenwardBold; Royal Guardian
KenwayBrave Warrior; Brave;
KenyonBlond; Strength; Blond Haired
KerbeyFrom the Church Village
KerbieFrom the Church Village
KeronCastle; Rocky Island
KerrickRoyal Ruler; King's Ruler
KervinSwamp Friend; Little Dark One;
KervynSwamp Friend; Little Dark One
KerwinDark Skinned; Swamp Friend;
KerwinnSwamp Friend; Little Dark One
KesterFollower of Christ;
KevinName of a Famous Hermit-saint;
KfirLion Cub; Name of Closer
KianKings; Royal; Ancient; Distant;
KieferBarrel-maker; Pine Tree;
KieranSmall and Dark-skinned; Dark;
KierenLittle Dark One; Beam of Light;
KijanaYouth; Strong Young Man; Teenager;
KimWarrior Chief; Noble; Chief;
KimballWarrior Chief; Noble; Brave;
KimberleyLand Belonging to Cyneburg;
KimberlyCyneburg's Field / Clearing; Ruler
KimbleBold War-leader; Warrior Chief
KindallRuler of the Valley
KingLeader; Ruler; Monarch
KingdonFrom the King's Hall
KingmanA King who is Man; King's Man
KingsleaFrom the King's Meadow
KingsleyFrom the King's Wood or Meadow;
KingslieFrom the King's Meadow
KingslyOne from the King's Meadow
KingswellLives at the King's Spring;
KinseyVictorious Prince; Royal Victory
KinsleaFrom the King's Meadow
KinsleeFrom the King's Meadow
KinslieFrom the King's Meadow
KinslyFrom the King's Meadow
KiplingCured Salmon; From Cyppel
KippFrom the Pointed Hill;
KipparFrom the Pointed Hill
KippieFrom the Pointed Hill
KippySharply Pointed Hill;
KirbeyFrom the Church Village
KirbieFrom the Church Village
KirinPoet; Praise; Glorifies
KirkDweller by the Church; Church
KirkbyFrom the Church Village
KirklandDweller by the Church;
KirkleaFrom the Church's Meadow
KirkleeFrom the Church's Meadow
KirkleyFrom the Church's Meadow
KirklieFrom the Church's Meadow
KirklyFrom the Church's Meadow
KirkwellChurch Well / Spring
KirkwoodChurch in a Wood;
KittHe who Holds Christ in his Heart;
KleefFrom the Cliff; Cliff
KnowlesGrassy Slope; From a Hill Top
KohlA Form of Cole; Unclear
KolbyDark Haired; Dark; Dark Skinned
KolinA Form of Colin; Young Cub
KoltA Short Form of Koltan; Coal Town;
KonnerAlternate Spelling of Conner; Wise
KonstantinResolute; Steadfast; Constant
KorbinRaven-haired; A Raven
KordaleCord-maker; Surname
KordellMaker of Rope; Cord Maker
KorriganSpearman; Surname
KotyA Form of Cody; Cushion;
KouPeaceful; Intelligent; Bright
KourtlandA Form of Courtland
KramerA Form of Cramer; Tradesman
KrisChrist-bearer; Anointed;
KrishShort Form of God Krishna;
KrishnaLord Krishna; Intelligent; Strong;
KristannaGracious; One who Gives;
KristianChrist Bearer; Follower of Christ;
KristoferHe who Holds Christ in his Heart;
KristoforHe who Holds Christ in his Heart;
KristopherCarrier of Christ;
KrystineChrist-like; Variant of Christine
KunalName of Ancient Saint; Anything;
KurtWise Counsel; Courteous;
KurtisPolite; Courteous; Bold Counsel;
KushSon of Lord Rama; Strong
KyawFamous; Gentle; Genius
KyleNarrow; Channel; Strait;
KylerAn Archer; A Place Name;
KynanChief; Leader; Wisely Intelligent
KyndalValley of the River Kent
KyndallValley of the River Kent
KyneRoyal; Wild Goose; Barnacle Goose
KyranDusky; Dark-haired; Dark
KyrkDweller by the Church; Church
KyrkwodeFrom the Church's Forest