NaeemComfort; Ease; Tranquil;
NaisbitFrom the Bend Shaped Like a Nose
NaisbittFrom the Bend Shaped Like a Nose
NaldoCounsel Power; Powerful Advice;
NancieGrace; Variant of Nancy
NancyGod's Flavour; Filled with Grace
NapierIn Charge of Royal Linens
NashDweller by the Ash Tree;
NasirDefender; Supporter; Success;
NatForm of Nathan; Given by God;
NathanProtector; Master; Lord; Chief;
NathanaelGift of God; God has Given
NathanielGift of God; Given by God;
NathaniellChampion; King of the Jews;
NaveenNew; Role Model of World;
NaxProsperity of Wealth; Feature;
NectoveliusGods Precious Gift
NeelyChampion; Like a Horn
NehanBeautiful; Strong; Handsome
NeilComing from Clouds; Champion;
NeilsSon of Neil; Champion
NelsChief; Son of Neil; Champion;
NesbitFrom the Bend Shaped Like a Nose
NesbittFrom the Bend Shaped Like a Nose
NesonGod Gift; Giver; Controller
NethanGift; Given; Rewarded
NevilleFrom the New Village; New Town
NevinNephew; Little Bone;
NewlandLives on the New Land
NewtonFrom the New Estate / Farm;
NiallComing from Clouds; Champion;
NiazDesire; Urge to Express Love;
NicLord; People of Victory;
NicholasPeople's Triumph;
NicholausVictory of the People;
NickVictory of the People;
NicksonVictory of the People;
NicoVictory of the People;
NicodemusPeople's Triumph;
NicolVictorious; People's Victory;
NicolasConqueror of the People;
NidhilTreasure; Principle; Wealth;
NiewheallFrom the New Hall
NigelDark Cloud; Champion; Dark Night;
NigellusChampion; Victory of the People
NihalGratified; Delighted; Happy;
NikiVictory of the People;
NikkiVictory of the People;
NikkoVictory of the People;
NikoVictory of the People;
NikosVictory of the People;
NileComing from Clouds; Champion
NilesComing from Clouds; Champion;
NilsPeople's Triumph; Champion;
NinoGod is Gracious; Young Child;
NiomRemembering Lord Shiva
NirWater; Variant of Neer
NisbetFrom the Bend Shaped Like a Nose
NisbettFrom the Bend Shaped Like a Nose
NitinMaster of the Right Path; New;
NixonAbbreviation of Nicholas;
NoahRest; Comfort; Wanderer; Peaceful;
NoeRest; Comfort; Peaceful from Noah;
NoelChristmas; Born on Christmas Day
NolanNoble; Descendant of Nuallan;
NorcrossFrom the North Cross Roads
NormMan of the North; From the North
NormanSurname; Northerner;
NormandSurname; North Protection;
NorrisNortherner; Nurse; Caretaker;
NorthclifFrom the North Cliff
NorthcliffFrom the Northern Cliff
NorthclyfFrom the North Cliff
NorthclyffFrom the Northern Cliff
NorthclyffeFrom the Northern Cliff
NorthropFrom the North Farm
NorthrupFrom the North Farm
NorthtunFrom the North Farm
NorthwodeFrom the North Forest
NortonFrom the Northern Town;