Name play an important role in a child’s life. Names are not just for childhood, they are for entire life. Choose your child’s name carefully. There are over 5000 French Baby Boy Names with meanings to choose from. The following are some modern and traditional French boy names, find one for your child.
There are currently 100 names in this directory beginning with the letter I.
IacobTo Follow; To Succeed; Supplanter
IanGod is Merciful / Gracious;
IbrahimMy Father is Exalted;
IdrisStudious Person; One who Instruct;
IgnaceFiery; Ardent; Burning
IgnacioFiery; Ardent; Burning; Fire
IgnatiusFiery One; Ardent; Burning;
IgorIng's Army; Son of the Famous One;
IhsanBeneficence; Charity; Compassion;
IlhamRevelation; Inspiration
ImadSupport; Pillar; Confidence;
ImbertOf Great Fame; Poet
ImriSpeaking; Exalting; Bitter;
IngmarIng's Soldier; Famous Ing-god
IngoMale Leader; Famous Ing-god
IngolfIng's Wolf; Wolf of Ing
InigoArdent; Burning; Unknowing
IoanGift from God; God is Gracious
IoannisThe Lord is Gracious
IonMoon Man; God is Good;
IraWatchful; Wind; Descendants;
IriLord Hanuman; Son of Wind
IrvinWhite; Place Name; Beautiful;
IrwinFrom Irvine; Scotland; Sea Lover;
IsaacOne who Brings Laughter;
IsaakLaughter; He will Laugh; Joyful;
IsaanBestower of Riches; Supreme Ruler
IsaiasSalvation of Jehovah;
IsidoreStrong Gift; Gift of Isis
IsidoroGifted with Many Ideas;
IsidroGifted with Many Ideas;
IsmaelA Prophet's Name; Prophet;
IsraelContender with God;
IssacLaughter; He will Laugh; Joyful
IssamSafeguard; Self-made
IvanGod is Merciful; Gift of God;
IvanhoeGod's Tiller; Variant of John
IvenLittle Archer; Yew Wood;
IverFighter with Bow; Archer; Yew;
IvesArcher's Bow; Young Archer;
IvoArcher's Bow; Yew; Form of Yves;
IvonArcher's Bow; Yew Wood;
IwanWelsh Form of John; Gift of God;