VachelLittle Cow; From French
VadimProving; Arguing; Great Ruler;
VailValley; From the Valley
ValPower; Strong; Healthy
ValdemarFamous / Powerful Ruler;
ValeLives in the Valley; Valley;
ValentinHale; Healthy; Strong; Valiant;
ValentineStrong; Courageous; Healthy; Hale
ValentinoStrong and Healthy; Brave; Strong
ValentinusStrong; Healthy
ValerianPowerful; Strong; Valiant;
ValerianoTo be Devoted Tobacchus;
ValerioPowerful; Brave; To be Healthy;
ValeriusHealthy; Valiant; Strong
ValeryStrong; Healthy; Foreign Power
VardenFrom the Green Hills; Green Slope
VardonFrom the Green Hill
VasiliImperial; Monarchical; Royal;
VayleLives in the Valley; From the Vale
VenecGwenneg; Guinoux; Guethenoc;
VerddunFrom the Green Hill
VerdellGreen; Flourishing
VerdonFrom the Green Hill
VerdunFrom the Green Hill;
VerePlace Name; Alder; Truth
VernYouthful; Alder Tree;
VernayFrom the Alder Grove
VerneYouthful; Spring Green; Green;
VernellGreen; Flourishing; Springtime;
VernenFrom the Alder Tree Grove
VerneyFrom the Alder Tree Grove
VerninFrom the Alder Tree Grove
VerrillTrue; Faithful; Masculine; Loyal
VicVictor; From the Village;
VicenteThe One who Conquered; Conquering;
VickConqueror; From the Village;
VickyVictory; Lord; Helpful; Conqueror;
VictorVictorious; Conqueror; Winner;
VikkyVictorious; Conqueror
ViktorThe Conqueror; Victory;
VilemA Strong and Resolute Protector;
VilmarKnown for Strong will; Bold;
VinayakLord; God; Name of Lord Ganesha
VinceConquering; Form of Vincent;
VincentThe One who Conquered; Prevailing;
VirgilStaff Bearer; Strong;
VirgileSpring Green; Strong
VirgilioStaff Bearer; Flourishing; Strong;
VitalisLife-giving; Alive; Life
VitoFull of Life; Life; Life-giving;
VittorioVictor; The Conqueror
ViveLife; Live or Long Life.
VivianLively; Full of Life; Gracious;
VladRenowned Prince; Prince; Ruler;
VladimirRuler of the World;
VladislavRule with Glory; Has Glory;
VolodiaRuler of the World
VonLittle / Small One; Nobility