NaamanPleasant; Delightful
NabhanNoble; Outstanding; Alert;
NadalFortunate; First in Fight of Islam
NadavNobel; A Generous One
NadirBeloved; Uncommon; Pinnacle;
NaftaliWreath; My Strife; Wrestling
NahumComforting; Compassionate;
NaimTo Comfort; Ease; Tranquillity;
NajiSaved; Rescued; Close Friend;
NancieGrace; Variant of Nancy
NannGrace; Variant of Anne Favour
NapoleonItaly; Son of Mist; Lion;
NarcisoDaffodil; A Lily; Numb and Sleepy
NarcisseDaffodil; Numbness; Sleep
NarcissusSleep; Numbness; Astonishment;
NarsesGift Martyrs Brought from Persia
NasimBreeze; Breath of Fresh Air
NasserVictorious; Victory;
NataleChristmas; Birthday;
NatalioBorn at Christmas; Birthday;
NatanelKing David's Brother
NatanielGift from God; Given by God;
NathalieBorn at Christmas
NathanProtector; Master; Lord; Chief;
NathanaelGift of God; God has Given
NathanielGift of God; Given by God;
NavukkarasuKing of Words; Saint Name
NazerBright; Radiant; Blooming
NazihPure; Chaste; Honest; Virtuous
NehemiasComfort Given by God
NeilComing from Clouds; Champion;
NervilleVillage by the Sea
NestorWisdom; Voyager; Traveller Wisdom;
NeuvevilleFrom the New Town
NevanLittle Saint; Little Holy One;
NevilleFrom the New Village; New Town
NevinsWorships the Saints; Little Saint;
NewtonFrom the New Estate / Farm;
NicLord; People of Victory;
NicasioThe Victorious One
NicholasPeople's Triumph;
NicholausVictory of the People;
NickVictory of the People;
NicoVictory of the People;
NicodemusPeople's Triumph;
NicolasConqueror of the People;
NicolausPeople's Victory;
NicoleVictory of the People
NicoloPeople's Victory; Victorious;
NielsPeople's Triumph; Champion; Horn
NigelDark Cloud; Champion; Dark Night;
NikiforVictory of the People;
NikitaVictorious; Sharp; The Earth;
NikodemusPeople of Victory
NikolaiVictory of the People;
NikosVictory of the People;
NilsPeople's Triumph; Champion;
NinoGod is Gracious; Young Child;
NissanSing; Omen; Name of Hebrew Month
NivenHoly; Sacred; Little Bone;
NoaMovement; Peace; Restful
NoahRest; Comfort; Wanderer; Peaceful;
NoamGood-looking; Sweet Friend;
NoeRest; Comfort; Peaceful from Noah;
NoelChristmas; Born on Christmas Day
NolanNoble; Descendant of Nuallan;
NollAn Olive Tree; Elf Warrior
NormMan of the North; From the North
NormanSurname; Northerner;
NormandSurname; North Protection;
NorrisNortherner; Nurse; Caretaker;
NorvalFrom the Northern Town
NorvelFrom the Northern Town;
NorvellFrom Northern Town
NorvilFrom the Northern Town
NorvillFrom the Northern Town
NorvilleFrom the Northern Town;
NorvylleFrom the Northern Town
NourredineThe Light of Religion
NumairPanther; Baby Tiger