Name play an important role in a child’s life. Names are not just for birth days, they are for entire life. Choose your child’s name carefully. There are 3145 Tamil Baby Girl names to choose from. The following are some modern and traditional Tamil girl names, find one for your child.
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There are currently 62 names in this directory beginning with the letter E.
EelakiliParakeet from Eelam; Beautiful
EeshaPurity; Goddess Parvati; Goddess Creativity
EeswariAnother Name of Lalithamba
EiliyahThe Beautiful One to Grow in Peace and Love with God
EiravatiLightening; Ravi River
ElaGod is My Oath; Stone; All; Completely; God is Perfection; God is Wow; Order; Beauty; Harmony; Hazel; Cardamom Tree; Earth
ElavarasiYouthful; Princess
ElilKaniBeautiful and as Sweet as a Fruit
ElinaWoman with Intelligence; Pure; Intelligent; Light; Torch; Moon; Moon Elope; Soft; Good Student
ElisaGod is My Oath; God's Promise; Consecrated to God Abbreviation of Elisabeth; Spanish Form of Elizabeth Consecrated to God; Dedicated to God
ElisaiSeven Musical Notes; Melodious
ElisaichelviMaster of Music
ElizaGod is My Oath; Consecrated to God; Form of Elizabeth; Pledged to God; The Chosen; Unique; Precious
EllieLight; Nobility; All; Completely; Exalted; Sun Ray; Shining Light; Foreign; Famous Warrior
ElmaWill; Desire; Helmet; God's Protection; Will-helmet; Apple; Protection
EmilyIndustrious; To Strive; Excel; Rival; Eager; Laborious; Emulating; God is My Oath; God is in Me
EnayaForgiveness; Beautiful
ErinaBeautiful Lady; From Ireland; Poetic Name for Ireland
EshaPleasure; Desire; Goddess Parvati; Purity
EshalThe Name of Flower in the Heaven
EshanaPleasure; Search; Life
EshaniGoddess Parvathi; Close to God
EshanikaFulfilling Desire
EstherStar; Myrtle Leaf; Like a Star; Stampedding Horses
EswariHindu Goddess Name; Goddess Parvati; Wife of God Siva
EzhilarasiQueen of Beauty
EzhiliBeauty; Gods Blessed
EzhilviliPerson with a Beautiful Eyes
EzzahA Person who Gives the Honour; Respect