Name play an important role in a child’s life. Names are not just for birth days, they are for entire life. Choose your child’s name carefully. There are 3145 Tamil Baby Girl names to choose from. The following are some modern and traditional Tamil girl names, find one for your child.
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There are currently 78 names in this directory beginning with the letter I.
IlaEarth; Daughter of Manu
IlamayilYoung Peacock (Peahen)
IlanguyilKuyil is a Bird with Melodious Voice
IlavalagiYoung and Beautiful
IlladchiyaPerson who Lives with a Goal
IllavenilSpring; Youthful
ImaniTrustworthy; Faith; Believer or Faith; Belief; Powerful
InbamCapable; Sociability
InbanayakiQueen of Happiness
IndhumathiGoddess Parvati; The Ganges; Fair; Attracted by Lord Krishna; Full Face of Moon
IndiraGoddess Lakshmi; Wife of God Vishnu; Radiant Like the Sun
IndirabalaDaughter of Lord Indra
IndrajaJupiter; Daughter of Lord Indra
IndrasenaDaughter of King Nala
IndumathiFull Phase of Mooon; Bright Drop; Fair; Attracted by Lord Krishna
InnilaMoon; Sweet Moon; Brilliant
InnisaiMelody Music; Sweet Melody
InraniSpouse of Lord Indira
IravatiRavi River in India
IrudayaraniQueen of Heart
IsaiarasiParkishit's Wife
IsaiNagaiIsai means Music and Nagai means Smile
IsaiNilaMusic with Nila (Moon)
IshaOne who Protects; The Female Energy; Woman; Faculty; Power; Another Name of Goddess Durga; Formless Divinity
IshanaRich; Goddess Durga; The Female Energy
IshaniGoddess Durga / Parvati; Wife of Lord Shiva
IshanikaBelonging to the North East
IshikaSacred; Sacred Paint Brush; The Queen of Water and Mountain; Lovely
IshitaMastery; Wealth Superior; Bright; God Gifted; Form of Goddess Durga; The Ultimate Power; Superior; Wealth
IshithaMastery; Wealth; Superior
IshwariGoddess; God Gift; Lover of God