Name play an important role in a child’s life. Names are not just for birth days, they are for entire life. Choose your child’s name carefully. There are 3145 Tamil Baby Girl names to choose from. The following are some modern and traditional Tamil girl names, find one for your child.
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There are currently 78 names in this directory beginning with the letter Y.
YaarliniMelodious as the Yaaz
YachanaPleading; Pray for Something
YaditasriLord of Night; Goddess Lakshmi; Silence
YakshithaSuccess; Wonder Girl
YaliniMelodious; Music Melodies; Music Name
YaminiLight in the Dark; Night; Nocturnal
YamunaJamuna River; Holy River
YashaswiniOne who is Successful; Glorious; Successful; Reputed
YashawiniVictorious; Famous; Successful
YashiFame; Righteous; Good Faith; Victorious; Famous; Successful
YashicaSuccessful; Brave Girl; Intelligent Girl; Success
YashikaFamous; Glory; Successful; Intelligent; Brave Girl; Gifted; Gift for God
YashiniSweet; One who Begets Fame
YashitaSuccessful; Winner; Beautiful; Famous; Glorious
YashnaOne with Fame; Prayer
YashodaFamous; Successful; Foster Mother of Lord Krishna
YashreeStar; Goddess Lakshmi
YashriGreatness; Goodness Lakshmi
YashwiniSuccessfull Lady; To Succeed
YasmeenQueen; Jasmine Flower
YasminSweet Smelling; Jasmine Flower; Fragrant Flower; Flower; Jasmine
YasmineJasmine; Fragrant Flower; Shine; Jasmine (Flower); Precious Stone
YasodhaFamous; Successful; Mother of Lord Krishna
YathiOne who Strives with Pertinacity of Purpose; One who Makes the People Obtain the Divine Wisdom by Reducing the Ignorance
YathreeTraveler; Intelligent
YavanaQuick; Swift; Youth; Young; Handsome; Beautiful
YazhiniJoy with Love; Musical Instrument (Yaazh); Music
YeshvantikaBeautiful; Cute
YogaAn Art of Achieving Happiness
YogeshriGod of Goddess Santoshi
YoginiOne who can Control Senses
YogitaOne who can Concentrate
YogithaSaint; Yoga; Ability
YukthaAbsorbed; Attentive
YukthiTrick; Power; Strategy; Solution by Logic; By Reasoning
YutikaFlower; Jasmine White Flower