Name play an important role in a child’s life. Names are not just for birth days, they are for entire life. Choose your child’s name carefully. There are 3145 Tamil Baby Girl names to choose from. The following are some modern and traditional Tamil girl names, find one for your child.
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There are currently 85 names in this directory beginning with the letter G.
GaganasindhuOcean of the Sky
GanaGarden; Troop; Going to do Something
GandhaliFragrance of Flower
GandharikaPreparing Perfume
GangaSacred River of India
GargiAn Ancient Scholar Like One of Lord Buddha; Name of a Learned Woman; Goddess Durga; Scholar
GautamiWife a Sage Gautam; River Godavari
GayathriGood Character; An Precious Angel; The Chant of Salvation; Goddess Durga; Phased; Verse; Angle the Chant of Salvation
GayatriSinger; Mantra; The Chant of Salvation; Good Friend; Mother of Gods; Veda Mata - the Mother of All Vedas; Goddess Durga Saraswathi; Goddess of Wood; Inspired Name; Female Form of the Sun God
GeenaSilvery; Farm Worker
GeetaHoly Book of the Hindus
GeetanjaliCollection of Poems or Songs; Presenting Songs in a Devoted Manner; Presenting Songs as an Offering
GeethaHoly Book of the Hindus
GeethalakshmiHoly Book of the Hindus
GeethikaA Song; A Little Song
GeetikaA Little Song; Music
GemineThird Sign of Zodiac; Twins
GeminiThird Sign of Zodiac; Twins
GenvishaTruthful Princess
GhaliyahFragrant; Beloved; Valuable
GhaniyahPretty Girl; Beautiful Woman; Beauty
GhazalPoem; Lyric Poem; Love Poetry; Gazelle; She was a Narrator of Hadith
GinaWell Born; Race of Women; Powerful Woman; White Wave; Queen; Virgin; Silvery; Pure
GirijaGoddess Parvati; Wife of Lord Shankar; Born of a Mountain
GitaHindu Holy Text; Song; The Holy Book of Soul
GitanjaliAn Offering of Songs
GithanjaliPoet Conveys his Love for his Beloved
GnalamThe World; Symbol of Patience
GnanaMagalIntelligent Girl
GnanamalarIntelligent Flower
GodavariSacred River of India
GopiWoman who Loves Cows; Cow-herd Woman; Milkmaid Friends of Lord Krishna; Cowherd; Protector of Cows
GopikaGirls who Loves Lord Krishna
GourangiFair; Complexioned
GovarthiniGoddess Parvati
GowriGoddess Parvati; Bright
GowsalyaA Place Where Cows are Kept
GowshikaGirl of Good Virtues
GowthamiThe River of the India
GrhithaUnderstood and Accepted
GulabRose; Beloved's Tears
GunaMaalaiPossessing Good Character
GunamakalRespected Daughter
GunaMalarPossessing Good Character
GunasundariMade Beautiful with Virtues
GunaVadivuSymbol of Good Character
GunjanHumming; Buzzing of a Bee